Our Pledge.
At Live for Tweed, our steadfast dedication to our clients is demonstrated in the selection of Used, Vintage, Pre-owned, Vintage Harris Tweed Jackets, and Vintage Tweed Jackets that we source and provide to meet the needs of our customers. These items offer customers an abundance of choice, such as Vintage and Modern Tweed Jackets, Vintage Waistcoats, Vintage Country Tweed, Vintage Flying Jackets and more - so they can be worn to any Country, hunting, races, weddings, flying or even Goodwood Revival event!
Our Inventory.
As a family-run business, our foray into tweed jackets came as we began to understand the value of quality craftsmanship. Since then, we have grown our tweed selection to include Vintage & Modern Harris Tweed Jackets and Vintage & Modern Country Tweed. Furthermore, our stock also includes waistcoats, overcoats, ladies jackets, vintage aviator pilots jackets, used arbour and a variety of other items.
Previously, we had only sold our garments at Country Shows and events across the UK. Now, however, we have taken to the online world and made our inventory available through our shop, making it easier than ever to find that classic Harris Tweed Jacket, Country Tweed or Preloved Barbour jackets you’ve been seeking for a while. Plus, if you are looking for something specific, feel free to contact us - we’ve had many content customers who’ve found exactly what they needed with our help.
100% Satisfaction Assurance.
When shopping with us, we want to make sure that you are fully satisfied with the experience. So, if you have any inquiries about us, our products, or even shipping, reach out and we will be more than happy to assist. We trust that you will keep shopping with us for years to come!